Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Couer d'Alene Lake

I recently fulfilled a long-time ambition - to drive completely around Couer d'Alene Lake, thanks to Cathie. She had offered both of us a car trip of our choosing, including dinner, as our Mother's and Father's day gifts. Ken's choice was Walla Walla, and I tagged along, as he did on this trip.
It was a gorgeous fall day, and the lake is so beautiful, -much larger than I'd expected, even though we live less than an hour away, and had been to the north shore many times.
One special stop was the small logging town of Harrison, where our close friend, Coral Hanna, grew up, graduating over 60 years ago. When asked what that was like, she had interesting stories to tell. She said they swam every day, near the log booms, until called home for dinner. When their team played other towns, the school bus would take all the kids, along the winding, dirt roads. In icy weather, the bus would often slide off the edge of the road, and all the kids would get off and push it back on the road, and continue on around the lake!
I chose a small Mexican restaurant for our dinner, and later finished it off with Krispy Kreme donuts! A very relaxed day to enjoy each other and God's good work. Thanks, Cath!

1 comment:

Amy Alexander said...

I would have loved to join you for this trip. The photo looks gorgeous and I do love me some Krispy Creme!