I (Ken) recently read a book called "A LIFE THAT MATTERS" by Ron Hutchcraft. It deals with winning souls to Christ and some of the problems we face in our present culture. Although the whole book offers a lot of insight and suggestions, there are a few things that really stuck with me. First of all he suggests we think of an individule that we would like to see come to our Lord. Then pray for an open door, and also pray for a softening of that person's heart. He emphasizes it is our responsibility to present the way of salvation, but it's the Holy Spirit that works in that person's heart.
We've been accustomed to inviting a lost person to church in hopes that the pastor's message will challenge them to accept Christ. This method is not as effective in today's culture. Instead, he suggests the following:
Provide a setting where unsaved people feel comfortable, such as your home for some refreshments, or a walk in the park etc.
Make sure they are comfortable with any other people they may be around.
Use a subject they have an interest in to lead them into spiritual things.
Use language they can relate to. As Christians we are used to speaking "Christianese". In other words we are accustomed to such phrases a "get saved", "repent", "redemption". "born again", etc. To those who have little or no exposure to Christianity, these phrases are meaningless. Ron Hutshcraft suggests using non religious phrases they can relate to, to convey the meaning.
I recommend this book to anyone who would like to learn more.