I have to say I've been proud of myself today. I took Barb's vacuum apart (she'd run over a cable to her computer, which wrapped itself around the beater bar and cut off the power), and -even better - I got it put back together! And it runs! Then I reattached the cable (to the right spot even!) and lo and behold, the computer works too! After lunch I used our weed eater (for the first time) and except for a few gouged spots on the lawn, one petunia accidently cut off, and slicing almost through the cord once, I did a pretty good job.
AND THEN, I learned to blog! (Thanks, Ken)
I'd claim this was a typical day in the life of "Super Gram", except that the rest of my week has been decidedly unproductive. You'd think I was retired.
Actually, my favorite day looks more like this:
Two or more great-grandkids on my lap -perfect!
Wow! You've had a seriously amazing day! I've been telling everyone I know how proud I am that my grandparents know how to blog! You guys are WAY COOL!
wow, and there a year apart too!
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